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2nd Generation Kanjuku Meiki Tsukasa Aoi

Onahole by NPG
US$62.68 save US$25.26
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Check out the Details
Brand: NPGFeeling: VaginalGenre: JAV (Pornstar)Hole Design: Closed Hole TypeProduct Layers: DoubleUsability: ReusableFirmness: RegularHow many Holes: 1Weight: 700g (1.54lbs)Length: 185mm (7.28in)Width: 105mm (4.13in)Lotion included: Yes Release: 2021Product Type: Onahole
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User Reviews

3 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 12/31/2024

    Most realistic toy - A Soft Heaven

    Buyer's guide: If you're used to hard and/or tight toys (Lolinco Virgo, virgin onaholes, and most hentai onaholes), you'll likely be too desensitized to feel anything. On the contrary, if you love soft / realistic toys, or if you're looking to buying your first onahole, then you've GOT to try this. General Review: If you want the closest thing to real pussy, forget the ZXY. Extremely soft insides. Softer than the ZXY by miles. Less stimulating textures than the ZXY, but the ZXY is waaay too stimulating to be considered "real". Even then, the texturing is still apparent. I HIGHLY recommend you use a thin lube, or at least to thin down your current lube with water. And as with every toy, warm up the inside for an even more realistic feeling. Amazing for long sessions, and ESPECIALLY for edging. You can stay teetering on the edge of climax for hours. This can get you the closest you've ever been to the absolute edge of climaxing. Beyond a certain point, your tip will get extremely sensitive, making the textures suddenly overbearingly simulating. And trust me, you won't regret it when you finally decide to let all that buildup go loose. It's given me one of the most intense climaxes I've experienced. 11/10!

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  • | 4/26/2023

    Sleeper Hit

    As another reviewer said, another softee from NPG I’m describing as a sleeper hit. Tsukasa Aoi has an extremely delicate inner layer that wraps you in velvet. This is not for the death grip crowd of the Lolinco Virgo fan club. This ona will teach you patience as you imagine making love to your wife. Once you figure out her pleasure spot she will bring you to climax so tenderly and receive your passion voraciously leaving you in a cotton candy cloud of delight.

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  • | 9/25/2021

    too soft?

    I don't know if it's the oily thing when it arrived, but man, oh man, coming from ToysHeart's Lusty Slut, this ona is really soft that I barely feel anything. Maybe I just got used to the Lusty Slut's Hardness/Roughness? It's also big and heavy, relatively hard to use hahaha

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