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Hoppa Perv Vagina (Smoking Blue: Super Soft)

by Hot Powers
Get US$1.59 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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This cool onahole comes with 30ml of free Ramune lube.

Available on otonaJP since: 2016 September 16
Product Weight (without the package): approx. 300 Grams
Product Dimensions: -

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Brand: Hot Powers
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User Reviews

1 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 9/29/2018

    Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle...

    When I took the toy out of the packaging, the first thing I noticed was how gelatinous it really was. I could barely get a good grip on it just due to how soft the hole is. Seriously, it was like trying to mate with Jello! Due to how soft and gelatinous the material is, I'm betting that this hole will last you a long time. Oh course, screwing a hole this squishy is that you don't really get much stimulation out of it. The lube the pack comes with will last for a while, due to both the lube itself and the toy the lube is used with. I wouldn't say this toy is good or bad. It is just interesting. I would really only get it just for the novelty of being able to screw gelatin.

    ... view more

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