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Availability Estimate Definitions

There are a number of availability estimates you may see while shopping at This information helps you to estimate how long it should take before your item(s) will be shipped out. The availability estimate for each product is shown on the product page for each product. This helps you to know how long it usually takes for a certain item to be shipped out. Please note that your order at will be shipped out once all the products in your order are ready for shipment. While otonaJP does its best to keep these information as up to date as possible, please note that in some cases it can take also longer due to various circumstances.

Once your order has shipped out, you will receive an email notification from us and you will be able to track your order from your customer account. Please note that the shipping time estimates, for example 3 to 5 days for Express are separate from the Availability Estimates.

Usually ships within 2-3 business days

The item is in stock or will be ready to ship out within 2-3 business days usually.

Usually ships within X-X days

The item will be ordered from the manufacturer and is expected to be ready for shipment within that amount of days of your order. Reason for an item to be not ready to ship out immediately is usually low stock at the manufacturer or very high demand for the item which leads to low stock at the manufacturer.

Usually ships within X-X weeks

The item will be ordered from the manufacturer and is expected to be ready for shipment within that amount of weeks of your order. Reason for an item to be not ready to ship out immediately is usually low stock at the manufacturer or very high demand for the item which leads to low stock at the manufacturer.

Out of Stock

The item is currently unavailable and will most likely not become available again. Reason for this is in most cases that the manufacturer has discontinued the product.