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otonaJP Wallet

Benefit from the best Cashback/reward program in the industry. It's simple and easy to use and your rewards will NEVER expire.

otonaJP Wallet

otonaJP Wallet


Every purchase here at otonaJP earns you up to 5% wallet balance as cashback. How much each product earns you can be seen on the product page for every product. How much you earn for your complete purchase can also be reviewed during checkout. otonaJP wallet Balance never expires and is shown in actual money value (USD - based on the USD to JPY exchange rate) and not points.


You can use any wallet balance from your account when you make a purchase at otonaJP. You can use it in full or partly and best of all, you can even use it to pay for shipping costs. You can adjust the amount of wallet balance you want to use during checkout and have full control over it at any time.

How to

Earn wallet balance and use it here at otonaJP. We have the most flexible and rewarding program in the industry which gives you complete control over your rewards. You can see your account balance and all related transactions in your account dashboard. Every transaction as well as your current total balance can be reviewed there. Head right over to your account and have a look.