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Calne Ca Onahole

by Tama Toys
Get US$2.08 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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  • Available on otonaJP since: 2016 February 29
  • Product Weight (without the package): approx. 250 Grams
  • Product Dimensions: -

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Brand: Tama Toys
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 11/10/2018

    Tight But Worth The price

    First off it is very tight it takes a bit of work to fit in at first and once it stays tight the whole time. While she may end up not being your favorite if your looking for something a little different give her a try the price and quality are enough to give her a chance. PROS: Very well detailed for the price. The detail around the joints and chest are very well done even has the small Trilobite like creature from the keychain molded onto her back. If your a fan of the Frame Arms Girl/Busou Shinki you will like desing and style. While tight its not to small a little over 6in for total length. CONS: Probibly would not recommend to anyone above the US average. The walls around the stomach and chest are very thin so be carfull or could easily rip through it.

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  • | 6/19/2018

    Tight... Maybe Too Tight

    I was quite surprised an official toy of Calne Ca exists that I bought it for curiosity. The box art on the front is quite unsettling yet alluring for Calne's half skeleton form, while the back side is downright sexy. Upon unboxing, you're greeted by two keychains of Calne herself and her crustacean friend which are a nice bonus. Now for the toy itself, I do love the shape of the torso with its robotic-like design they went for. Unfortunately, this is where the good things end, the size of the entrance hole is way too small for any above-average joysticks to fit through comfortably. I managed to have mine squeeze through after some fiddling, but it feels like it can force the toy out like a rocket if I don't hold it in place. The inner walls are ribbed to simulate Calne's "skeletal frame" which felt interesting. Drying the toy after washing is a bit of a hassle due to the torso's crevices, but not too problematic. Overall, sexy looking toy with cool keychains bonus, but couldn't handle big joysticks.

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