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Meiki Of Yu Namiki

by NPG
Get US$1.30 Cashback Ships within 2-3 Business Days

  • Available on otonaJP since: 2016 January 8
  • Product Weight (without the package): approx. 1200 Grams
  • Product Dimensions: approx. 230x140x105mm

Check out the Details
Brand: NPGProduct Type: 92
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User Reviews

1 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 2/27/2018

    mediocre toy at best

    I initially bought this off a western website that sold it way overpriced. Way above 20 thousand yen including shipping and yet i feel it is an inferior product compared to many well known meiki onaholes in the market. This only lasted me for a half year and yet this is a single layer toy with no lube being bundled together as a set. I seriously recommend NPG famous Syoumei 01, 05, 06 and saki. 01 and saki are single layer but still far better than this in my opinion with no regrets. 05 and 06 are dual layer with 05 being the closest meiki to realism and 06 being among the softest. Also to add on, AIKA meiki onahole is the current best on the market as of this time.

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