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SI-X Type K

by Toys Heart
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Available on otonaJP since: 2016 Dec 12
Product Weight (without the package): approx. 177 Grams
Product Dimensions: approx. 165x45mm

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Brand: Toys Heart
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User Reviews

1 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 12/7/2017

    Durable onahole well worth your money

    Despite how this thing looks, the material is quite soft and the bumps provide nice stimulation. You can go super rough with this thing for multiple sessions and it can still withstand all of it. Been using mine for well over 2 years and it only has a little tear at the entrance. Super easy to clean; just flush it with some warm water to wash out the lube and you man juices, before using some soap and your finger to give the interior a nice scrub. Easy to dry since the opening is not super duper tight (see ToysHeart's virgin age admission). That being said, the pocket at the end of the onahole can be squeezed down before insertion to create a nice vacuum.

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