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Slimy Love Juice Lotion

by Tama Toys
Get US$0.49 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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Available on otonaJP since: 2016 March 17
Volume: 120ml

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Brand: Tama Toys
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 9/29/2017

    Seduced by bottle art...

    With lubes and trying new ones it always is a hit or miss. With this one it is a miss for me. Expected slimy, but it is really more runny, not watery, but definitely not slimy. As for taste, it has sweet taste with little bitter after taste. I like lubes without taste, so here is one minus from me. As for performance, this lube even though water based, feels very much like oil. When applied it creates rather thick film on surface which lasts for some good time. Bad thing with this is, that this film will, when used with onahole cover internal details and you will not feel much other than smooth slide without much pleasure from bumps and ridges. For the price I'd suggest to get rather Onatsuyu Lotion, as it is little slimy, without taste and feels great. Not to mention you get more of it for the money. I was seduced by nice bottle art when purchasing this one I see now.

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  • | 2/25/2017

    Small, but could be better for value

    This lotion is only 120mL which is nice so I can store it with my onahole in my bag for it. However, the price for it was a bit too high and I would say there is better value out there. The lotion itself is nice and the bottle isn't too bad as well.

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