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100 shots!! Bukkake Sperm Lotion

100 shots!! Bukkake Sperm Lotion

US$10.16 save US$4.97
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Available on otonaJP since: 2015 August 16
Volume: 370ml

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User Reviews

6 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 10/14/2018

    Great for semen lovers

    It replicates semen quite well with the taste, smell, and stickiness. However the only downside it that it dries out very quickly so it's not the best as a pure lotion.

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  • | 9/30/2018

    Possibly one of the best semen lotions sold on OtonaJP

    OtonaJP sells several lotions that are supposed to resemble semen. Some are more cartoonish and others try to be as close to the real thing as they can be. This one leans on the more realistic side. What makes this lotion one of the best semen lotions on this website is its versatility. According to Rends, the maker of this product, the toy is not only completely body safe, it can also be good for the skin. This is what I mean about versatility. The lotion is perfectly safe for both Onahole and real women, and it is completely edible. The bottle itself holds 200ml of lotion. With its current price of 7.20 USD, the lube is a little more expensive than the other semen lotions on this website. Of course, the current price is still very good for what you get. I would absolutely recommend this lotion for anyone who is looking for a semen lotion.

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  • | 3/7/2018

    Smell is ok

    The linen itsslf is very thick and last quite a while. For the amount paid I’d say the value is great as there is 300 ml but the smell isn’t too accurate

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  • | 8/26/2017


    If youre watching bukkake jav movies, or have a semen fetish, or want to play with a female friend, this is the lotion/lube you need, its edible, like the real thing, and also, its awesome for those pictures/videos lol.

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  • | 6/10/2017

    Very nice!

    This lube is like what you see in the picture. Very thick, and slimy. It lasts awhile while in use and the smell at first actually has a fragrance to it, but then turns musky. I like the product so far. Also super fast shipping!

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  • | 12/22/2016

    Slick, Slimy and.. Sour?

    I can see what this lotion is popular amongstJAV stars, it is edible but like the smell it's sour & bitter. It's slick and lasts a long time and easy to wash off

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