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NuruNuru Nata De Coco Needs

by Ride
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Available on otonaJP since: 2017 October 11
Product Weight (without the package): approx. 282 Grams
Product Dimensions: approx. 150mm length

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Brand: RideProduct Type: 97
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User Reviews

5 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 5/22/2022


    Nice and soft but you can still feel the bumps. Surprisingly survivable for how squishy it is.

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  • | 4/3/2021


    light flesh pink outer color and to big open hole if ya ask me. The insides where only a lot of bumps inside/ little hills whatever . Wasn't loose, but not really tight either . The bumps where squishy and gave nice stimulation also snug onto you at least felt like it. Kind of had lowly a suck in feeling i guess, not quiet sure wasnt strong or anything, but wouldnt say there was none at all, so maybe only pretty weak . The outside material is also really stretchable and squishy So theres not much else to this one( had no cervix penetration or womb) was a bumpy ride id rate it 7/10

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  • | 2/15/2021

    Best All-Around Hole; Durable

    I originally bought this hole 3 years ago, and I still use it on a near-daily basis. Ride Japan's pink material lives up to the hype: it's soft yet durable (save for minor cosmetic lacerations). The sensation itself is bumpy and unpredictable; best used with a very thin to medium-thickness lube.

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  • | 3/16/2019


    It was bumpy RIDE! (No pun intended!) NuruNuru is small class soft hole from RIDE. Pattern inside is generic random (somewhat large) sphere of bumpy wall but no gimmick at the end of the hole. Feeling is so-so, there is something there but not such a woohoo level, and with large bump it serves some stimulation. I owned several RIDE's fuwa (very soft) product line such as fuwa mochi, fuwa ana, fuwa chitsu. I would say as soft, low stimulation lover, I have better experience with those fuwa line than this one. Feeling: ★★★☆☆ 3/5 Hardness: 2/10 (very soft) Odor: Little Stickiness: Normal (it is normal for soft material to be a bit sticky and oily) Final: As soft toy lover. This one is definitely soft but lack of superior feeling factor, still a good choice to try. For normal/hard user, due to its large bump, you will still definitely feel something with it.

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  • | 7/8/2018


    this one is gold very smooth sensation the bumps are well made recomend to use this one with a harder lube for a more enjoyable penetration

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