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Quadruple Bullet Pink Rotor

by Tama Toys
Get US$2.43 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
Currently unavailable
This item is currently not available for ordering, and it may not be in stock again.

Product Weight (without the package): approx. 100 Grams
Product Dimensions: approx. Remote Con 105mm / Rotors 23mm

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Brand: Tama Toys
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User Reviews

1 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 9/20/2019


    I've tried several vibrating toys, and this must be the worst one. You get a small roll of tape of awful quality to stick the bullets to wherever you want, which falls of very soon thereafter depending on where you taped them (it did stick decently to the nipples but I felt nothing even at the higher settings, might just be me not into it idk). It's obnoxious to use and the gimmick doesn't work as well as one'd think. The bullets themselves are also very weak (I've had much smaller ones with more force + less power needed) and feels like they'll break at the slightest touch of the cord. TLDR: Avoid this! If you are looking for vibrations for your member, buy a product specifically for that, if you're looking for it on other parts of your body, buy one specifically for that.

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