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Eneoruga No.1

by Tama Toys
Get US$0.90 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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Available on otonaJP since: 2016 September 20
Product Weight (without the package): -
Product Dimensions: approx. 120x110x35mm

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Brand: Tama Toys
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 12/22/2020

    Odd shape

    It's oddly shaped, the top part does feel interesting but the lower half is disappointing; the lower half above the base kind of just wants to stick out even though it seems like it should go in, and the base was very poorly designed. The base is very flat, I mean like 2d flat, this makes it bothersome to move. If I knew the base was like how it is, I think I would pass, although if you had a vibrator to match with this, I feel that it could at least be salvageable. Overall while it does feel interesting, is fairly solid (other than base), it's design is lacking.

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  • | 8/24/2019

    Great shape and positioning of the topmost nub

    It's a bit oddly shaped, hard toy, but definitely worth for the price. Due to its shape, the nub sits (almost all the time) next to what I think is my prostate. Works great especially if you have a powerful external vibrator (like a magic wand). With that setup, you can achieve a hands free orgasm. Otherwise, if not, still works great post-orgasm as it sits near the prostate, making contractions intense. Try keeping it in after, and you'll see what I mean.

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