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Prison Pee Lotion

Get US$0.70 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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  • Available on otonaJP since: 2015 December 19
  • Volume: 120ml

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User Reviews

4 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 1/13/2019

    Works, BUT..

    If you smell the lotion directly from the bottle, it has a bubblegum smell to it, however if you rub a small amount into your skin, it smells of pee. Unfortunately I was expecting a pee smell all around, but you only get the pee scent with little use.

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  • | 2/10/2018

    Not too bad

    I bought this out of curiosity to try something completly new. I expected it to smell a bit awful however it just smells a bit strange. No strong pee smell. The viscosity is good too. Overall a good lotion.

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  • | 10/8/2016

    Not bad but could be better

    I like the fact that it isn't quite like a lotion but more of a slimy liquid and that the pee smell isn't too light to point you don't smell it and not over powering to where you become completely turned off. But I feel as though the price should be cheaper and the bottle size bigger.

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  • | 6/13/2016

    Good quality and look but it's not a pee lotion at all in my opinion

    To be honest, I expected much more from this, this lotion has a quite good look but it has nothing to do with pee as it says (except from the color), there is an original scent just as most lotions has and the feeling from it is just as most other transparent lotion and the price is not low at all (for this small bottle). The feeling is fine, nothing special.

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