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SD Tenga Deep Throat Cup

Ona Cup by Tenga
Get US$0.66 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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  • Available on otonaJP since: 2016 July 4
  • Product Weight (without the package): -
  • Product Dimensions: approx. 120mm

Ona Cups are usually made for a one time use only. They already include lotion and can be used right away.

Check out the Details
Brand: TengaProduct Type: Ona Cup
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User Reviews

4 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 10/10/2021

    Good toy

    Decent toy for the price, but it lacks stimulation in my opinion, but if you've tried other Tenga products and that was not an issue, then this product won't bother you either. It's a bit more durable for me than others in the reviews, and it's easy to clean by taking the rubber interior out of the cup. Only issue is that it grows mold easily if you don't dry it thoroughly since the inside is sealed up with a lid, but that's just the downside of any cup, so I won't dock it too many points. Overall, a decent product for beginners that want a gateway product to the world of onas.

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  • | 12/20/2018

    Breaks Easily and Not Worth its Price

    Pros: ----- + Lubed up and ready to go Cons: ------ - Lube smells a bit bad - Breaks super easily. It broke immediately when I use it the first time (Then again it's a disposable cup) - I don't really feel anything - SUPER LOUD. I guess it's trying to mimic blowjobs, but this is definitely not safe to use when others are around. Summary (WOULD NOT RECOMMEND): ----------- I got this for free and I seriously don't get why people buy one-use disposable onaholes/cups. I rather just buy an onahole and some lube, and it will last me so much longer (easily 3-6 months). And for people who thinks you can re-use this, it will most likely break on your first use (that's what happened to me).

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  • | 9/8/2017

    Good for the price

    The sensation is good but i prefer real onahole because we have more sensation.

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  • | 5/16/2017

    An ok product

    This product is alright as it tends to break easily. The feel of it is nice and it is reusable. Overall it's alright.

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