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My junior can't be this tight

by A-One
US$10.16 save US$2.77
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Product Weight (without the package): approx. 120 Grams
Product Dimensions: approx. 130mm length

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Brand: A-One
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User Reviews

6 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 3/22/2021

    Really nice

    Easy to clean, pleasurable, easy to stash away and so far no damage after lots of use. Overall a great buy for the money. It's more pleasurable than younger sister variant. 9.5/10

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  • | 11/24/2018

    Really pleasurable

    My first onahole ever. I had really fun with it, since the tightness and the feeling is the one you would find in a more pricy onahole. Some will say I started with a onehole way too much "hard" for first. They would be right.

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  • | 9/4/2018

    Soft, small, super easy to clean!

    Really floppy soft and comfortably clingy. Surprisingly good stimulation for a "low-cost" hole. The end portion has a somewhat thin wall, as seen in the pictures, but with some care it shouldn't pose a problem. Longevity might be compromised with that thinness, but for the price you might as well get her again when time comes.

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  • | 8/12/2017

    Felt good but didn't last long

    This onahole feels great, especially for a "soft type" hole. However, it broke after using it for about half of a year. If you're willing to be more careful with it, this onahole is a great deal at this price.

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  • | 1/7/2017

    Very surprising

    This product is actually very good. It looks simple but the feeling of it is very nice. A good amount of lotion is needed for this though since it's very soft. Very easy to use and also to clean.

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  • | 9/6/2016

    Surprisingly good!!

    I bought this at the same time as "Highly Invisible PxP Yoshimi". This one is half the price of PxP Yoshimi, but it feels just as good! There are differences, however. This onahole is a very soft, fleshy one, so you need to use plenty of lotion. Also, it doesn't look like a Chitsu; It looks more like a battohōru. I'm OK with that, however.

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