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PePe Cool Mint

PePe Cool Mint

Lotion by PePee
US$10.16 save US$6.62
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Check out the Details
Brand: PePeeVolume: 360ml (12.17oz) Release: Jul 28, 2011Product Type: Lotion
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User Reviews

3 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 12/24/2022

    Only the Cooling Gimmick

    This lubricant is nice and thick, so it's good quality. It also provides a cooling effect, which can be quite refreshing in the summer, but can also be quite unusual sometimes. However, when you consider the price for the amount of lubricant you get, there are much better alternatives out there because the "cooling" effect is not worth the additional cost.

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  • | 12/21/2018

    Minty? Meh.

    First off, though the plastic seal was still on it, it leaked in transit and the bottle cap was all sticky; I'm not confident in how good of a seal it provides. It is a very thick and sticky lube that lasts an okay amount of time. It smells like old mint Halls, and not in a good way. Maybe a tiny bit cooling, but it could also just be the feeling of cold lube on your dick. In any case, don't expect anything super menthol-y from it.

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  • | 8/14/2016

    Perfect lube for the heat

    It has nice silky soft slickness and has a nice light minty scent, a little dab last s a while and it also makes a good lotion to rub on your body to cool down

    ... view more

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