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Virgin Loop Eight Long Hard

by A-One
Get US$1.36 Cashback Ships within 2-3 Business Days

Available on otonaJP since: 2018 March 16
Product Weight (without the package): approx. 370 Grams
Product Dimensions: approx. 180x70x145mm

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Brand: A-One
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 6/5/2024

    Maybe I just in heaven

    If you have longer than 6.9 inches it is so good to using it. Just move it slow it feels like crazy

    ... view more
  • | 12/13/2018

    Best "working horse" onahole I had so far

    It's no wonder that hard variations of different Virgin Loops are among the best selling onaholes in Japan. This thing is as close to being a perfect onahole as it can get: -INCREDIBLY stimulating. Don't be fooled by it's simple design. Those tiny ribs create a very hard to describe tingly sensation that is absolutely nothing like I've ever had. -Perfect "western" size. -Very durable and can be turned inside out. Not that you would need to do it because... -It is ridiculously easy to clean Weeks later, It has become my most used toy and I genuinely can not name a single, even smallest, downside to it. A lot of people recommend R20 as a "go to" product. I think this one is even better.

    ... view more

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