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Onahole Pad Mimizu 700

Onahole by Peach Toys
US$99.95 save US$33.53
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Check out the Details
Brand: Peach ToysFeeling: VaginalGenre: KemonomimiHole Design: Closed Hole TypeProduct Layers: SingleUsability: ReusableFirmness: RegularHow many Holes: 1Weight: 1300g (2.87lbs)Length: 240mm (9.45in)Width: 225mm (8.86in)Depth: 66mm (2.6in)Lotion included: Yes Release: Jul 26, 2022Product Type: Onahole
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User Reviews

1 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 8/5/2022

    Decent Quality but not Without Issue

    The tool is of decent quality, although the material has some minor flaws and none appear to be glaring or outside of what I would call tolerances. Some things to keep in mind when ordering this product is that first off although it is a very good feeling it is going to take some stretching. Then they say tight fitting they do mean it. I had some issue fitting inside, to begin with, but with some minor use and stretching it did break in nicely. I will include one other note to readers although this is reusable cleaning will be a problem without dedicated tools which will likely be my next investment. When I obtain those I will edit this review and my future review on their effectiveness as well as review them individually. Note: The lube/lotion included is of moderate quality. Although tolerable it does get sticky quite quickly. So I would suggest investing in a Water Based lube such as Wicked (or silicon if that's your thing).

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