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You’re My Idol!

by EXE
Get US$1.70 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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Comes with a small pack of lotion

Product Weight (without the package): approx. 370 Grams
Product Dimensions: -

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Brand: EXE
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 8/15/2018

    Amazing art, beautiful colors, intense artwork on box, and nice price

    For the price i really enjoyed this onahole, when you first get the box you see the nice innocent art on the box, but as soon as you turn it around, you see this intense awesome hentai art, its censored but you kinda wish it wasnt, i wish i knew who the artist was. Anyways, once you open it, you have a beautiful onahole , bright and with an awesome little tunnel, it stretches when you put pressure with your penis, and feels nice and tight. With the right lubricant it can amplify your journey. I really really suggest you get this onahole if you want to have a nice collection, just the box alone is worth it, plus its from EXE so theyre always good! I really really enjoyed the texture and bumby tight entrance, seriously. This is a must buy!!! Also it feels kinda fragile, so dont be so rough with the toy, unless you want to break it lol.

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  • | 4/21/2017

    Personal favorite

    This hole is my all time favorite despite lacking a bit in durability. The material is not too hard and not too soft so the sensation is just right. Works both fast and slow, but I recommend going slow taking your time as the durability is not great. I have owned two of these so far and will probably get another one if I ever see the need to replace current one.

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