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Bangee Shake

by Ride Japan
US$13.55 save US$2.54
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Hentai male masturbator

The Bangee Shake onahole from Ride Japan is one of their flagship products. It took the industry by storm for its sheer innovation, and there's a good reason it still does so well to this day. Once you begin pushing inside, you'll feel her cute pussy literally begin wrapping and tangling around your shaft. This is because the internal tunnel actually contains a number of rubber strings which are meant to catch on and provide pushback. They're gentle enough, but together they can provide some intense rubbing stimulation. A crazy idea which really works, the Bangee Shake onahole is just a must have in every collection.

The Bangee Shake onahole by Ride Japan features

  • Hentai male sex toy
  • made by Ride Japan
  • Internal tunnel with rubber strings for intense stimulation
  • onahole weight about 230 Grams
  • onahole size approx. 130mm in length
  • comes with a small pack of lotion

Check out the Details
Brand: Ride JapanProduct Type: 97
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User Reviews

4 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 3/31/2022

    very good

    just a good product overall

    ... view more
  • | 8/20/2021

    I promise you will be impressed

    I have been using this onahole for almost 4 years. It is the third one that I am currently using. It is so robust that I can use it every day for a year without any problems. And above all, the internal folds are very pleasurable. As you know, there are a lot of onahole in Japan with different structures, but the Bungee Shake is the simplest and the best. As a Japanese, I have used many different Japanese onahole. I am convinced that this onahole is the most wonderful one. If you're not sure which one to buy, I highly recommend this one.

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  • | 8/10/2018

    a lot of pleasure for a low price

    The ever-so-soft Bangee Shake is probably one of the best entry level onaholes out there, and as someone who has been buying them for years, I haven't come across many that feel better than this one. The strings may seem strange at first, but they create a very nice soft feeling that absolutely ups the stimulation, and you can always simply snip them with a pair of scissors if they're not your thing. After about a year and a half of regular use, I've finally managed to make a hole in the back of Bangee Shake, and while it's still usable, I would say I've gotten a full return on my investment. Highly recommend for newbies and veterans alike.

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  • | 3/23/2017

    good hole, great price

    Soft and squishy. This hole is very nice and while it's on the small side a bigger guy would still get some good pleasure out of it. The strings will break quickly but they don't do much in the way of stimulation anyways so it's no real loss.

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