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Highly Invisible PxP Yoshimi

by A-One
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  • Product Weight (without the package): approx. 190 Grams
  • Product Dimensions: -

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Brand: A-One
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User Reviews

6 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 3/19/2019

    A unique idea, hard cleaning, decent pleasure

    What a unique design. and to make it clear must cut costs down. would be more savings for the company if it was clear instead of a pinkish color. Disclaimer: came in winter 2018 bundle Pros: +lots of vacuum + IF you're into seeing yourself doing the deed/releasing, you'll love this +The way the lips are made around the entrance makes it easy to apply lube Cons: - Sticky as hell material. - Odd entrance angle means will take a while to figure it out on how to get in. - Hard to clean the area behind each 'cervix' section ---> positive on above note: see through makes it easier to see if anything is stuck - Intermitant stimulation. Pressing against and passing two 'cervix's" going in is an interesting feeling. the nubs ine each section are only felt on the exit motion due to the vacuum. The vacuum itself is what'll get you done.

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  • | 1/26/2018

    Basically a lilith with less compartments

    If you're one of those that get on by being able to see yourself, you might like this onahole. Otherwise, I think the money could be spent on something else like Virgin Loop ( This is a basically a lilith that isn't transparent and really sticky for some reason ( The concept is the same and likewise, it doesn't really feel so great. The entrance is supposed to be tight, but somehow it was already torn a bit due to manufacturing (probably not a lot of quality control) and there were more than a few bubbles inside. The transparency of the onahole quickly lets you see how you wasted your money for subpar quality, but hey, at least it's being honest (somewhat?). The sticky, oily texture of the onahole clings to your hand and leaves a bad smell. The only pro of this onahole is that drying and washing is made easier because you can actually see where there's stuff stuck inside the onahole, though the sticky texture makes getting the microfiber cloth in and out a hassel.

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  • | 12/30/2017

    Good quality for a low price.

    This Onahole has proven to be a good purchase, it's got good feeling, flexibility and visual quality for it's price. While the opening is difficult to get into at first, after a couple tries you work it out and it becomes easy.

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  • | 8/12/2017

    Amazing Budget Onahole

    This hole is probably the best one I've ever had for $15. It's lasted me almost an entire year, and hasn't ripped or deformed after being used & washed many times. The suction is great, it stimulates well, and it's cheap; If this isn't in your collection yet, you need it.

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  • | 2/3/2017

    Very nice product

    The shape of the inside feels great and is tight. At first it's difficult to get inside but after a few uses it feel great.

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  • | 9/6/2016

    Very nice, especially for this price

    This onahole is very good. If you squeeze it beforehand, the suction is really powerful, and the shape inside is great. However, it'll take a few uses before it's easy to enter it.

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