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Onasheet Yukas Secret

by Magic Eyes
Get US$0.83 Cashback Ships within 2-3 Business Days

Product Weight (without the package): approx. 115 Grams
Product Dimensions: approx. 140x140mm

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Brand: Magic Eyes
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 7/30/2020

    fullfills its purpose

    the onasheet yukas secret does its job, well its not an onahole like the thing you put your dick in, but like the name says a sheet simply, which you roll together in and hold it with your hand as you stroke then up and down xD. well onaholes are better kinda, but yeah that's easy to clean ya know. because simply water over that straight and its down/clean, because you dont have to clean out the innsides carefully there >.> . well yeah better than hands simply does its jopb and is as expected not an onahole but if you dont want to bother with washing shit out afterwards so the cleaning thats a good option because it getss you off nicely but nothing special really. so not bad, not that good, does its job whats it supposed to be xD. 5/10

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  • | 11/22/2018

    second review

    I liked the composition of the package - lubricant, mini manga and of course, Onasheet itself. It feels funny, like octopus tentacles ^ __ ^ p.s. do not forget to add a little fantasy (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

    ... view more

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