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Alice in the Heaven

by Alice Stage
Get US$0.81 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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  • Available on otonaJP since: 2016 January 24
  • Product Weight (without the package): approx. 400 Grams
  • Product Dimensions: approx. 170x90x60mm

(Please know that the artworks of the package are sometimes subject to change by the maker)

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Brand: Alice Stage
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 8/7/2018


    Bit pricey for the value, I'd cut the price in half and that would be worth Feels okay but a bit bulky and feels really weird, odd exterior material, it makes me finish too quickly unlike other holes. Can't really enjoy it for long, it was always unsatisfying, making me go soft if I didn't finish quickly

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  • | 7/10/2018

    Alice is in Heaven or..?

    Hello prospective buyers of this hole, I've went ahead and bought this hole a year ago and now I've returned to give you what I think of this hole after a year of owning this. Alice in the Heaven(Odd translation?) is a decent hole by the makers of Alice Stage. They're well known for their Alice series, with their best known product possibly being the Alice Dayo hip, which I've reviewed as well. This hole is quite something, it's a really small onahole which is really nice. The outside has this really odd texture to it compared to the other holes I've owned throughout the years. I can't really say too much about the exterior except that it's really nice and plain. The experience itself is quite something, just like my review of Alice Dayo, the entrance of this onahole is really small just like the hip. Unlike the hip, the hole is much much sturdier in the material they used, and I had a really hard time trying to enter Alice again when she'd gone to heaven from ripping her entrance(Alice Dayo's entrance is really easy to tear). The entrance is really tight, and once you're inside, the stimulation is really strong that it tries to push you out harder then a couple of my loli holes(Fairy Masturbator as an example) which surprised me since I didn't expect this hole to be so tight in the first place. All in all, this is a really good hole and definitely one that I would recommend to beginners who have a tad bit more money to spend on holes, or for those of you who want a really tight hole.

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