Completely medium onahole. Every aspect of this one is medium except the size.
Cleaning: 0.75 - no cavities but long tunnel | Durability: 1.50 - no changes after about 15 uses | Feeling: 1.25 - medium firm material, medium tight tunnel, much nubs and an tiny uterus | Extras: 0.25 - lubricant included | Sum: 3.75/5.00 | My opinion: The onahole comes with a 20 ml phial of 'Moisty +' lubricant. The onahole is huge for an onahole and small for a hip. It can be held and used one handed. Stimulation of this onahole is medium. Every parameter that stimulation depends on is medium. The material is medium firm, the tunnel is medium tight and the nubs, bumps and ribs are medium sized. The material 'safe skin' used for this onahole feels a bit more coarse then 'virgin skin'. The material is still smooth and barely sticky after 15 uses. For cleaning purpose it is advised to use soap and to dry it with a cloth on a pencil. No changes were perceived after 15 uses and cleanings. | My summary: Completely medium onahole. Every aspect of this one is medium except the size. | My summing: 4/5
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