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Atelier Onahole 5

Onahole by Toys Heart
US$42.35 save US$16.71
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Check out the Details
Brand: Toys HeartFeeling: VaginalGenre: Fairy, JRPGHole Design: Closed Hole TypeProduct Layers: SingleUsability: ReusableFirmness: RegularHow many Holes: 1Weight: 378g (0.83lbs)Length: 145mm (5.71in)Width: 73mm (2.87in)Lotion included: Yes Release: Dec 14, 2023Product Type: Onahole
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 6/30/2024

    Too many rough edges, too small and hard

    I thought this would have been interesting from the review. But it was smaller than expected, pocket size. There are rough edges and it is tight and the material hard. Using it for too long and it is quite painful. Give it multiple tries at different "times" since it's meant to be different at different times as a clock is set for where to rotate. Tried to like it but it can be painful. Material was too hard and rough at least for me.

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  • | 3/28/2024

    Very good

    Bought all the five onaholes of this series. Here are the personal comments: 1st gen is the tightest and roughest; 2nd gen you need to rotate and squeeze to "feel" it; 3rd gen gives you 4 "different" feelings, but not that different; 4th gen is my favourite for its texture and inside feeling, also it gives you a pocket; 5th gen is kind of interesting because it has two holes, one is actually too tight and short. Generally, my recommendation would be: 4>>3>1=5>2. Anyway all 5 are good!

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