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Gokujou! Beautiful Kiduki Anri Meiki Onahole

by NPG
Get US$2.61 Cashback Availability: Out of stock
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Available on otonaJP since: 2016 Dec 5
Product Weight (without the package): approx. 386 Grams
Product Dimensions: approx. 160x75x70mm

Check out the Details
Brand: NPGProduct Type: 92
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User Reviews

2 confirmed customer reviews Log in or register to review
  • | 1/26/2019

    Good quality worth trying

    I am the big fan of Kiduki Anri. I saw all her movies. So I always image the feeling of having sex with her. With this product, I can achieve my dream not in a perfect way. It is tight and the skin-feeling material is good. Also due the NPG designed structure. I actually can feel the suction is quite good. Also it is good to clean. The only bad thing I can say it is not heavily enough to get the really climax. But with this price, it is considerable

    ... view more
  • | 10/12/2018

    Let start positively by saying this is a nice onahole.

    There are lots of bumps and ridges which you most likely will feel. The ridges form 2 choke points that you have to force your way through. This meiki is relatively for aggressive is the best way I can but it so it may be too much for some. Sadly, these ridges also make cleaning it a bit tougher as "stuff" will get stuck so spend some extra time flushing it with water and definitely use a toy cleaner to make sure it stays clean. I assume as with most meikis if not all, you will not bottom out if you are packing roughly 8 inches or more So keep that in mind if you like going balls deep or something.

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